The essence of flycasting/
Krieger, Mel
The essence of flycasting/ Mel Krieger; foreword by A. J. McClane, Fhotographs by Blackwell; edited-by Nelson Ishiyama - Woodstock, Vermont: The Countryman Press, 2001 - XI, 129p.: il., fot.; 27cm.
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Carrera: Todas Asignatura: Todas
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799.124 / K926e
The essence of flycasting/ Mel Krieger; foreword by A. J. McClane, Fhotographs by Blackwell; edited-by Nelson Ishiyama - Woodstock, Vermont: The Countryman Press, 2001 - XI, 129p.: il., fot.; 27cm.
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Carrera: Todas Asignatura: Todas
Deportes acuáticos
799.124 / K926e