New interchange : Intro; Improve your english with over 140 fun activities/

Schiels, Charles

New interchange : Intro; Improve your english with over 140 fun activities/ [Recurso electrónico] Charles Shields [with] Jack C. Richards - versión 1.2 - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2002. - 2 CD-ROM: col.

Cd-rom for PC and Mac Title to take in the Cd-rom; instruccion for installation.

Each of the 16 units on the Cd-rom contains a video sequence from the New Interchange Video 1 and a range of activities: reading, listening, speaking, vocabulary development, grammar and functional language practice.

Requerimientos del sistema: IBM PC compatible computer ; pentium90 or later; 32 MB RAM; Windows 95 or later. Macintotosh 68040 0r later; 16 MB RAM; System 7 or later.


Carrera: 3000, 3001, 3002, 3004, 3005, 3010, 3011, 3012, 3017, 3020, 3023, 3026, 3032, 3033, 3035, 3072, 3082, 3083, 3084, 3091. Asignatura: ELL146, ELL147, ELL148, ELL149, ELL150, ELL153, ELL155, ELL158, ELL160, ELL229, ELL232.


Inglés -- Enseñanza

AUV 428 / S555n