Acting with technology : activity theory and interaction design /
Kaptelinin, Víctor
Acting with technology : activity theory and interaction design / Víctor Kaptelinin and Bonnie A. Nardi - 333p. ;
Incluye contenido, índice y notas.
Referencias bibliográficas.
I. Activity Theory in Interaction Design. 1. Introduction. - 2. Do We Need Theory in Interaction Design?. - 3. Activity Theory in a Nutshell. - 4. Interaction Design Inforrned by Activity Theory. - 5. A Design Application of Activity Theory: The UMEA Systern. - II. Advanced Issues in Activity Theory. 6. Objectively Speaking. - 7. Objects of Desire. - 8. Historical Currents in the Developrnent of Activity Theory. - III. Theory in Interaction Design. 9. Postcognitivist Theories in Interaction Design. - 10. Artifacts, Agency, and (A)syrnrnetry. - 11. Looking Forward.
Interacción hombre-computador
004.019 / K179a 2006
Acting with technology : activity theory and interaction design / Víctor Kaptelinin and Bonnie A. Nardi - 333p. ;
Incluye contenido, índice y notas.
Referencias bibliográficas.
I. Activity Theory in Interaction Design. 1. Introduction. - 2. Do We Need Theory in Interaction Design?. - 3. Activity Theory in a Nutshell. - 4. Interaction Design Inforrned by Activity Theory. - 5. A Design Application of Activity Theory: The UMEA Systern. - II. Advanced Issues in Activity Theory. 6. Objectively Speaking. - 7. Objects of Desire. - 8. Historical Currents in the Developrnent of Activity Theory. - III. Theory in Interaction Design. 9. Postcognitivist Theories in Interaction Design. - 10. Artifacts, Agency, and (A)syrnrnetry. - 11. Looking Forward.
Interacción hombre-computador
004.019 / K179a 2006