EJB 3 in action /

Panda, Debu

EJB 3 in action / Debu Panda, Reza Rahman [and] Derek Lane - xxix, 677 páginas : ilustraciones.

Incluye contenido, índice y apéndices


1. What's what in EJB3. 2. A first taste of EJB. 3. Building business logier,with session beans. 4. Messaging and developing MDBs. 5. Learning advanced EJB concepts. 6. Transactions and security. 7. Implementing domain models. 8. Object-relational mapping. 9. Manipulating entities with Entity Manager. 10. Using the query API and JPQL to retrieve entities. 11. Packaging EJB 3 applications. 12. Effectively integrating EJB 3 across your application tiers. 13. Taming wild EJBs: performance and scalability. 14. Migrating to EJB3. 15. Exposing EJBs as web services. 16. EJB3 and Spring.


Java (lenguaje de programación para computadores)

005.133 / P189e 2007