The qualitative researcher's companion /

The qualitative researcher's companion / A. Michael Huberman [and] Matthew B. Miles, editors - xii, 410 páginas.

Incluye índice, contenido.

PART I. Theories and analysis. 1. Building Theories from Case Study Research / Kathleen M. Eisenhardt. - 2. Understanding and Validity in Qualitative Research / Joseph A. Maxwell. - 3. Ethnography and Realism / Martyn Hammersley. - 4. Real Men Don't Collect Soft Data / Silvia Gherardi and Barry Turner. - 5. The Fact of Fiction in Organizational Ethnography / John Van Maanen. PART II. Methodological perspectives. 6. Intuitive Data Processing as a Potential Source of Bias in Naturalistic Evaluations / D. Royce Sadler. - 7. Analytic Ethnography: Features, Failings, and Futures / John Lofland. - 8. Increasing the Generalizability of Qualitative Research / Janet Ward Schofield. - 9. Judging the Quality of Case Study Reports / Yvonna S. Lincoln and Egon C. Cuba. - 10. Narrative Analysis / Catherine Kohler Riessman. PART III. Empirical studies. 11. Empirical Phenomenological Analyses of Being Criminally Victimized / Constance T. Fischer and Frederick J. Wertz. - 12. Qualitative Data Analysis for Applied Policy Research / JaneRitchie and Liz Spencer. - 13. Bounding the Case Within Its Context: A Constructivist Approach to Studying Detracking Reform / Amy Stuart Wells...[y otros]. - 14. The Interpretive Process / Norman K. Oenzin. - 15. Temporality and Identity Loss Due to Alzheimer's Disease / Celia J. Orona. - 16. Reflections and Advice / Matthew B. Miles and A. Michael Huberman.


Investigación social
Investigación cualitativa

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