Plant tissue culture : Techniques and experiments /
Smith, Roberta H. ,
Plant tissue culture : Techniques and experiments / Roberta H. Smith. - 2th edition. - 231 páginas : ilustraciones ; 22 cm.
Incluye contenido, índice y apéndices
Referencias bibliográficas
1. history of plant cell culture / Trevor A. Thorpe. -- 2. Setup a tissue culture laboratory. -- 3. Media components and preparation. -- 4. Explant preparation. -- 5. Contamination. -- 6. Callus induction. -- 7. Regeneration and morphogenesis. -- 8. Woody shrybs and trees / Brent H. McCown. -- 9. Haploid plants from anther culture. -- 10. Embryo rescue. -- 11. Meristem culture for virus-free plants. -- 12. In vitro propagation for commercial production of ornamentals. -- 13. Protoplast isolation and fusion. -- 14. Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of plants.
Carrera : Biotecnología
Cultivo de tejidos vegetales
Células y tejidos vegetales
581.0724 / S642p2 2000
Plant tissue culture : Techniques and experiments / Roberta H. Smith. - 2th edition. - 231 páginas : ilustraciones ; 22 cm.
Incluye contenido, índice y apéndices
Referencias bibliográficas
1. history of plant cell culture / Trevor A. Thorpe. -- 2. Setup a tissue culture laboratory. -- 3. Media components and preparation. -- 4. Explant preparation. -- 5. Contamination. -- 6. Callus induction. -- 7. Regeneration and morphogenesis. -- 8. Woody shrybs and trees / Brent H. McCown. -- 9. Haploid plants from anther culture. -- 10. Embryo rescue. -- 11. Meristem culture for virus-free plants. -- 12. In vitro propagation for commercial production of ornamentals. -- 13. Protoplast isolation and fusion. -- 14. Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of plants.
Carrera : Biotecnología
Cultivo de tejidos vegetales
Células y tejidos vegetales
581.0724 / S642p2 2000