ESP teaching and teacher education : current theories and practices /

Papadima-Sophocleous, Salomi

ESP teaching and teacher education : current theories and practices / Salomi Papadima-Sophocleous ... [y otros autores]. - Voillans : , 2019. - 177 páginas.

Incluye tabla de contenido.

ESP in teacher education: a case study / Yasemin Kirkgöz. -- Finding the way through the ESP maze: designing an ESP teacher education programme / Elis Kakoulli Constantinou, Salomi Papadima-Sophocleous and Nicos Souleles. -- Self-scaffolding and the role of new technologies in ESP teacher education / Irena Aleksić-Hajduković, Danka Sinadinović, and Stevan Mijomanović. -- Providing feedback on the lexical use of ESP student academic presentations: teacher training considerations / Alla Zareva. -- Validating new perspectives and methodologies for learning and teacher training in english for aeronautical communications / Neil Bullock. -- Technology-enhanced curriculum development in the ESP tertiary context / Christina Nicole Giannikas. -- Embedding a serious game into an ESP curriculum / Giouli Pappa and Salomi Papadima-Sophocleous. -- Facilitating the development of collaborative online dictionaries in the ESP field / Eleni Nikiforou. -- Going beyond words and actions: teaching metacognitive and soft skills to ESP communication students at the dawn of the fourth industrial revolution / Dana Di Pardo León-Henri. -- Pronunciation instruction in ESP teaching to enhance student prosody / Leticia Quesada Vásquez.


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428.24 / P213e 2019