Big data : concepts, technology, and architecture /
Big data : concepts, technology, and architecture /
Balamurugan Balusamy, Nandhini Abirami R., Seifedine Kadry, and Amir H. Gandomi.
- First edition.
- xii, 356 páginas : figuras, tablas.
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1. Introduction to the world of big data. 2. Big data storage concepts. 3. NoSQL database. 4. Processing, management concepts, and cloud computing. 5. Driving big data with hadoop tools and technologies. 6. Big data analytics. 7. Big data analytics with machine learning. 8. Mining data streams and frequent itemset. 9. Cluster analysis. 10. Big data visualization.
Big data
Minería de datos
Computación en la nube
Bases de datos
Doctorado en Ingeniería
005.7 / B592d 2021
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1. Introduction to the world of big data. 2. Big data storage concepts. 3. NoSQL database. 4. Processing, management concepts, and cloud computing. 5. Driving big data with hadoop tools and technologies. 6. Big data analytics. 7. Big data analytics with machine learning. 8. Mining data streams and frequent itemset. 9. Cluster analysis. 10. Big data visualization.
Big data
Minería de datos
Computación en la nube
Bases de datos
Doctorado en Ingeniería
005.7 / B592d 2021