New paradigm of industry 4.0 : internet of things, big data & cyber physical systems /

New paradigm of industry 4.0 : internet of things, big data & cyber physical systems / Srikanta Patnaik, Editor. - 1a edición. - xi, 180 páginas : figuras, tablas. - Studies in Big Data (SBD) ; no. 64 .

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Management of V.U.C.A. (Volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity) using machine learning techniques in industry 4.0 paradigm / Bhagyashree Mohanta, Pragyan Nanda and Srikanta Patnaik. -- Role of industry 4.0 in performance improvement of furniture cluster / R.B. Chadge, R. L. Shrivastava, J.P. Giri and T.N. Desai. -- Imparting hands-on industry 4.0 education at low cost using open source tools and python eco-system / J. Dasgupta. -- Decision support framework for smart implementation of green supply chain management practices / Arvind Jayant and Neeru. -- Decision support system for supply chain performance measurement: case of textile industry / Pranav G. Charkha and Santosh B. Jaju. -- A review study of condition monitoring and maintenance approaches for diagnosis corrosive sulphur deposition in oil-filled electrical transformers / Ramsey Jadim, Anders Ingwald and Basim Al-Najjar. -- Principal components based multivariate statistical process monitoring of machining process using machine vision approach / Ketaki N. Joshi, Bhushan T. Patil and Hitendra B. Vaishnav. -- Green IS-exploring environmental sensitive IS through the lens of enterprise architecture / Sommath Debnath.


Inteligencia computacional
Inteligencia artificial
Industrias--Innovaciones tecnológicas
Internet de las cosas
Big data
Industrias de alta tecnología
Ingeniería industrial
Doctorado en Ingeniería

004.678 / N532p 2020