Quantum mechanics /
Bransden, B. H. 1926-
Quantum mechanics / B. H. Bransden and C. J. Joachin. - 2nd edition. - xiv, 803 páginas : figuras.
Incluye índice.
1. The origins of quantum theory. - 2. The wave function and the uncertainty principle. - 3. The Schrödinger equation. - 4. One-dimensional examples. - 5. The formalism of quantum mechanics. - 6. Angular momentum. - 7. The Schrödinger equation in three dimensions. - 8. Approximation methods for stationary problems. - 9. Approximation methods for time-dependent problems. - 10. Several - and many-particle systems. - 11. The interaction of quantum systems with radiation. - 12. The interaction of quantum systems with external electric and magnetic fields. - 13. Quantum collision theory. - 14. Quantum statistics. - 15. Relativistic quantum mechanics. - 16. Further applications of quantum mechanics. - 17. Measurement and interpretation.
Teoría cuántica
Ecuaciones de Schrödinger
Momento angular
Campos eléctricos
Campos magnéticos
Estadística cuántica
Teoría cuántica relativista
Ciencias físicas
530.12 / B821q 2000
Quantum mechanics / B. H. Bransden and C. J. Joachin. - 2nd edition. - xiv, 803 páginas : figuras.
Incluye índice.
1. The origins of quantum theory. - 2. The wave function and the uncertainty principle. - 3. The Schrödinger equation. - 4. One-dimensional examples. - 5. The formalism of quantum mechanics. - 6. Angular momentum. - 7. The Schrödinger equation in three dimensions. - 8. Approximation methods for stationary problems. - 9. Approximation methods for time-dependent problems. - 10. Several - and many-particle systems. - 11. The interaction of quantum systems with radiation. - 12. The interaction of quantum systems with external electric and magnetic fields. - 13. Quantum collision theory. - 14. Quantum statistics. - 15. Relativistic quantum mechanics. - 16. Further applications of quantum mechanics. - 17. Measurement and interpretation.
Teoría cuántica
Ecuaciones de Schrödinger
Momento angular
Campos eléctricos
Campos magnéticos
Estadística cuántica
Teoría cuántica relativista
Ciencias físicas
530.12 / B821q 2000