Chemistry /

Pauling, Linus

Chemistry / Linus Pauling, Peter Pauling. - 1a edición. - xi, 767 páginas : figuras, tablas. - A Series of Books in Chemistry. .

Incluye índice, ejercicios.

1. Chemistry and matter. 2. The atomic and molecular structure of matter. 3. The electron and the nuclei of atoms. 4. Elements and compounds. Atomic and molecular masses. 5. The chemical elements, the periodic law, and the electronic structure of atoms. 6. Covalence and electronic structure. 7. The nonmetallic elements and some of their compounds. 8. Oxygen compounds of nonmetallic elements. 9. Water and solutions. 10. Chemical equilibrium and the rate chemical reaction. 11. Oxidation-reduction reactions. Electrolysis. 12. Acids, bases, and buffers. 13. Organic chemistry. 14. Biochemistry. 15. Molecular biology. 16. Inorganic complexes and coordination compounds. 17. The nature of metals and alloys. 18. Lithium, beryllium, boron, and silicon and their congeners. 19. The transition metals and their compounds. 20. The chemistry of fundamental particles and nuclei.


Estructura atómica
Tabla periódica (Química)
Estructura electrónica
Equilibrio químico
Química orgánica
Biología molecular
Metales de transición
Química--Problemas, ejercicios, etc.

540 / P328ch 1975