Law of evidence /
Monaghan, Nicola
Law of evidence / Nicola Monaghan. - First edition - xxxiv, 494 páginas : tablas.
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1. Introduction to the law of evidence. 2. Preliminary issues. 3. Burden of proof. 4. Silence. 5. Confession evidence. 6. Illegally and improperly obtained evidence. 7. Hearsay. 8. Character evidence. 9. Witnesses. 10. Trial procedure and witness testimony. 11. Corroboration and identification evidence. 12. Opinion and expert evidence. 13. Disclosure. 14. Privilege and public interest immunity.
Prueba (derecho)
Medios de prueba
Gran Bretaña
347.4206 / M734l 2015
Law of evidence / Nicola Monaghan. - First edition - xxxiv, 494 páginas : tablas.
Incluye índice.
Incluye notas bibliográficas a pie de págna.
1. Introduction to the law of evidence. 2. Preliminary issues. 3. Burden of proof. 4. Silence. 5. Confession evidence. 6. Illegally and improperly obtained evidence. 7. Hearsay. 8. Character evidence. 9. Witnesses. 10. Trial procedure and witness testimony. 11. Corroboration and identification evidence. 12. Opinion and expert evidence. 13. Disclosure. 14. Privilege and public interest immunity.
Prueba (derecho)
Medios de prueba
Gran Bretaña
347.4206 / M734l 2015