Women of the first nations : power, wisdom, and strenght /

Women of the first nations : power, wisdom, and strenght / Edited by Christine Miller and Patricia Chuchryk ; Marie Smallface Marule ... [y otros autores]. - 1a edición. - xii, 204 páginas. - Manitoba Studies in Native History ; no. IX .

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Incluye bibliografía al final de cada capítulo.

Invocation: the real power of aboriginal women / Jeannette Armstrong. Introduction / Patricia Chuchryk and Christine Miller. The colonization of a native woman scholar / Emma LaRocque. "La vie en rose"? Métis women at Batoche, 1870 to 1920 / Diane P. Payment. Subsistence, secondary literature, and gender bias: the saulteaux / Laura Peers. First nations women of prairie Canada in the early reserve years, the 1870s to the 1920s: a preliminary inquiry / Sarah Carter. Life in harmony with nature / Beverly Hungry Wolf. An examination of sport for aboriginal females on the six nations reserve, Ontario, from 1968 to 1980 / Vicky Paraschak. Aboriginal women's writing and the cultural politics of representation / Julia Emberley. Art or craft: the paradox of the Pangnirtung weave shop / Kathy M'Closkey. Voices through time / Betty Bastien. The changing employment of cree women in moosonee and moose factory / Jennifer Blythe and Peggy Martin McGuire. The exploitation of the oil and gas frontier: its impact on lubicon lake cree women / Rosemary Brown. Gender and the paradox of residential education in carrier society / Jo-Anne Fiske. Recommended reading / Christine Miller.


Mujeres indígenas--Canadá--Congresos
Pueblos indígenas--América del Norte
Mujeres --Empleos--Historia--Canadá


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