The silver chair /
Lewis, Clive Staples 1898-1963
The silver chair / The Chronicles of Narnia : Book Six C. S. Lewis ; Illustrated in color by Pauline Baynes. - 243 páginas : ilustraciones. - The Chronicles of Narnia ; no. 6 .
Incluye índice.
ONE. Behind the gym. TWO. Jill is given a task. THREE. The sailing of the king. FOUR. A parliament of Owls. FIVE. Puddleglum. SIX. The wild waste lands of the Nort. SEVEN. The hill of the strange trenches. EIGHT. The house of Harfang. NINE. How they discovered something worth knowing. TEN. Travels without the sun. ELEVEN. In the dark castle. TWELVE. The queen of underland. THIRTEEN. Underland without the queen. FOURTEEN. The bottom of the world. FIFTEEN. The disappearance of Jill. SIXTEEN. The healing of Harms.
Literatura inglesa
Literatura fantástica
Ficción literaria
Pedagogía en Inglés--Enseñanza
823 / L673b6 1994
The silver chair / The Chronicles of Narnia : Book Six C. S. Lewis ; Illustrated in color by Pauline Baynes. - 243 páginas : ilustraciones. - The Chronicles of Narnia ; no. 6 .
Incluye índice.
ONE. Behind the gym. TWO. Jill is given a task. THREE. The sailing of the king. FOUR. A parliament of Owls. FIVE. Puddleglum. SIX. The wild waste lands of the Nort. SEVEN. The hill of the strange trenches. EIGHT. The house of Harfang. NINE. How they discovered something worth knowing. TEN. Travels without the sun. ELEVEN. In the dark castle. TWELVE. The queen of underland. THIRTEEN. Underland without the queen. FOURTEEN. The bottom of the world. FIFTEEN. The disappearance of Jill. SIXTEEN. The healing of Harms.
Literatura inglesa
Literatura fantástica
Ficción literaria
Pedagogía en Inglés--Enseñanza
823 / L673b6 1994