Asymmetric cryptography : primitives and protocols /
Asymmetric cryptography : primitives and protocols /
Coordinated by David Pointcheval.
- xii, 286 páginas : figuras.
- Sicences. Computer Science. Cryptography, Data Security. .
Incluye índice.
Incluye referencias bibliográficas al final de cada capítulo.
Chapter 1. Public-key encryptation and security notions. Chapter 2. Signature and security notions. Chapter 3.
Zero-knowledge proofs. Chapter 4. Secure multiparty computation. Chapter 5. Pairing-based cryptography. Chapter 6. Broadcast encryption and traitor tracing. Chapter 7. Attribute-based encryption. Chapter 8. Advanced signatures. Chapter 9. Key exchange. Chapter 10. Password authenticated key exchange: protocols and security models. Chapter 11. Verifiable computation and succinct arguments for NP.
Criptografía de clave pública
Seguridad informática
Cifras y claves
005.824 / A861c 2022
Incluye índice.
Incluye referencias bibliográficas al final de cada capítulo.
Chapter 1. Public-key encryptation and security notions. Chapter 2. Signature and security notions. Chapter 3.
Zero-knowledge proofs. Chapter 4. Secure multiparty computation. Chapter 5. Pairing-based cryptography. Chapter 6. Broadcast encryption and traitor tracing. Chapter 7. Attribute-based encryption. Chapter 8. Advanced signatures. Chapter 9. Key exchange. Chapter 10. Password authenticated key exchange: protocols and security models. Chapter 11. Verifiable computation and succinct arguments for NP.
Criptografía de clave pública
Seguridad informática
Cifras y claves
005.824 / A861c 2022