Expertise in mathematics instruction : an international perspective /

Li, Yeping

Expertise in mathematics instruction : an international perspective / Yeping Li, Gabriele Kaiser, editors. - xviii, 372 páginas : ilustraciones ;

Incluye índice, contenido

Referencias bibliográficas

PART I: Introduction and research perspectives. -- Expertise in mathematics intruction: advancing research and practice from and internactional perspective / Yeping Li and Gabriele Kaiser. -- Theoretical perspectives, methodological approaches, and trends in the study of expertise / Michelene T. H. Chi. -- Images of expertise in mathematics teaching / Rosemary S. Russ, Bruce Sherin, and Miriam Gamoran Sherin. -- PART II: Expertise in mathematics instruction in a western setting. -- Coordinating characterizations of high quality mathematics teaching: probing the intersection / Edward A. Silver and Vilma Mesa. -- Expertise in swiss mathematics instruction / Christine Pauli and Kurt Reusser. -- Responding to students: enabling a significant role for a students in the class discourse / Ruhama Even and Orly Gottlib. -- Effects of a research-based learning approach in teacher professional development / Florian H. Müller, Irina Andreitz, Konrad Krainer, and Johannes Mayr. -- Teacher expertise explored as mathematics for teaching / Elanine Simmt. -- PART III: Expertise in mathematics instruction in an eastern setting. -- Characterizing expert teaching in school mathematics in China - A prototype of expertise in using the textbook to teach mathematics / Akihiko Takahashi. -- Perceptions of school mathematics department heads on effective practices for learning mathematics / Suat Khoh Lim-Teo, Kwee Gek Chua, and Joseph Kai Kow Yeo. -- Exploring korean teacher classroom expertise in sociomathematical norms / JeongSuk Pang. -- Expertise of mathematics teaching valued in taiwanese classrooms / JeongSuk Pang. -- PART IV: Cross-national comparison and reflections. -- Cross-nationally comparative results on teachers' qualification, beliefs, and practices / Svenja Vieluf and Eckhard Klieme. -- Reflections on teacher expertise / Alan H. Schoenfeld. -- Reflections and future prospects / Gabriele Kaiser and Yeping Li.


Matemáticas -- Enseñanza

510.71 / L693e 2011