Mathematics for physics : a guided tour for graduate students /

Stone, Michael

Mathematics for physics : a guided tour for graduate students / Michael Stone and Paul Goldbart. - 1a edición. - xiii, 806 páginas : figuras.

Incluye índice.

Bibliografía : páginas 797-798

1. Calculus of variations. - 2. Function spaces. - 3. Linear ordinary differential equations. - 4. Linear differential operators. - 5. Green functions. - 6. Partial differential equations. - 7. The mathematics of real waves. - 8. Special functions. - 9. Integral equations. - 10. Vectors and tensors. - 11. Differential calculus on manifold. - 12. Integration on manifolds. - 13. An introduction to differential topology. - 14. Groups and group repreentations. - 15. Lie groups. - 16. The geometry of fibre bundles. - 17. Complex analysis. - 18. Applications of complex variables. - 19. Special functions and complex variables. - A. Linear algebra review. - B. Fourier series and integrals.


Física matemática
Cálculo de variaciones
Espacios de funciones
Ecuaciones diferenciales
Operadores diferenciales
Ecuaciones integrales
Topología diferencial
Topología diferencial
Grupos de lie
Funciones de varias variables complejas
Ciencias físicas

530.15 / S877m 2009